طالبة في معهد الانروا اختارت موضوعا عن شخصية من المخيم باللغة الانكليزية ...فكتبت:

Marwan Abed All is a well-known Palestinian literary character, a
national patriotic poet, novelist, also he responsible about the file of the refugee in Nahr Al Bared Camp in the Palestinian Embassy in Beirut,
He was born in Nahr el-Bared camp in Lebanon in 1957, although he is a Palestinian from the town of Ghabseya, he married to Fatima Abed All and He has four children have inherited his creations in writing and drawing and the personal lead.
Abed All is known as the author of the myth of Palestine, he have four novels stories; the novel «Safar Ayoub سفر أيوب», «Zahrat Al Teen زهرة الطين» also «Hassa Hariba حاسة هاربة »
And a novel «Jafra جفرا », the fifth for the novelist and the Palestinian artist Marwan Abed All is a new novel in print, titled «Ivan Palestinian إيفان الفلسطيني» by Dar al-Farabi Press in Beirut.
This character which was born in Nahr al-Bared camp is a political Palestinians activist did not enter the door of the literature however he enter through the awareness and consciousness that literature is not less important for political resistance and military in the service of his cause of humanity,
How Abed All began writing?
Abed All writing began in the simplest way; firstly the stories were fall upon him through the people, especially on the lips of adults. This happen until there weren’t any means of entertainment as television or others technologies, so he seems one of the effects that he lived as a childhood dreams. After that he began writing poetry and short stories, where in Abed All house there was a large library, which he was usually reading. He loved browse multiple books since childhood in the house, and in particular the “Arab” Magazines, which was owned for them since the first issue. Marwan get reading and reading and looking for the books and the stories, then with maturity; he began reading everything that is connected to the Palestinian cause, whether it was foreign on Arab Literature. These effects have created his atmosphere in reading.
Most of the stories written in that period published in local magazines and newsletters; there was «ALhadaf» magazine, and «Nashrat Felastine» As patrols local Palestinian. Thus was the beginning, added to this that it has participated in numerous competitions, especially when he was in Bachelorette stage. A new phase was faces him when he left Lebanon within 2 years demanded for a work, when he went to Libya. Most of those who were in the «Ras Hilal» where there are Palestinian professors who came from.
Between 1977 to 1979. They were all coming from «AL Diffa» and Gaza, were studying in Libya. A part of them were professors in Arabic literature, and one of them was published in the magazine «Arab culture» which was a literature man. This created for him two years of literary isolation. Therefore he considered an important stage in his life.
Although he had begun writing, but that the delay in publishing were considered that literature today is not parallel to the draft for political action,
he did not believe that a person has a one «layer», he though it has more than one. This is what he felt like, whether in painting or writing... His hobbies that may have been carried out but in which he expressed himself. At the same time, sometimes you do not find that the policy can accommodate all that they want to say frankly. It might, therefore resorted to writing.
He was Published his first novel in 1999 entitled « Safar Ayoub سفر أيوب », and after the year 2000 issued the remaining novels

Abdel All novels characterized by carrying the Palestinian pain in all forms and colors:

First novel “Safar Ayoub سفر أيوب " is a realistic novel to imagery mythical people which is from one generation no longer exists, such as he said that his grandmother, who was the first novelist in his life. Include the novel approach of some historical events template, the hero who expelled from several Arab countries and at the end the novel; he asked a question that he knows it is at the back of the readers mind which is on the lips of the blatant hero "Can we keep waiting for that great news???

And then he type “Zahrat Al Teen زهرة الطين " which Is a metaphor for that flower which grows spontaneously after the first shower of rain over the dirty surfaces and mud houses in the village of Galilee. In fact that is the chamomile rose, and noted that he was born the Diaspora generation and he was born in the Nahr Al Bared camp in Lebanon, and the novel speaks about someone who has lost his memory after drowning of crying, and remained lost among the States looking for the same or for nothing, of course, Marwan was accompanied the Novels by the puzzle question:” Did the ones’ who loses their memories can knows the back way for their homes??

The third novel was ", Hassa Hariba حاسة هاربة “which was growth after the disaster of the Nahr al-Bared. And at the moment of the siege and detention inside his camp during the fighting that led to the crushing of Nahr Al Bared. he tried counting his feelings for the moment and monitoring of harboring feelings as a camp for Palestinian refugee and grew up on the identity of the place
reproduced the identity of Palestine, as if a significant renewal of the novel before the catastrophe that occurred sixty years and more which he was heard the story from the older; but he feels at that time that he lived the moment and have the same feelings uttered by adults and even modes of regret and loss, which he describes the reflect of the reaction of how they forget! How their doors are kept closed and the keys of the houses were have reaped and becoming old? Or forgotten and the mother which she was carried the bag instead of her child..
Marwan said that he was proud of the Morocco Writer of what she was says when she described the novel as “prerogative Literature-Palestinian tension ", without ever forget the moment of grief need to arrest the fugitive sense, a sense of the Palestinian dream that is not forgotten and will not be broken.

The fourth novel is "Jafra .... To an end in itself جفرا....لغاية في نفسها,," that they were know it previously as the popularity of heritage, but in fact is the love story of a Palestinian, was before the Nakba, and previously as a continued Then, we left home and the song were haven’t leave our minds, in which Abed All hoped to create Jafra in his camp. Jafra as a refugee and a lover, and her love were looking for her, in an extension of the Palestinian struggle, between home and abroad before the Nakba, and after a trip search it for the promise, is that ring which he extracted from Jewish finger,,, some reader blamed because the end was not, as the reader wishes, which they wishes the end as the miracle that happened in the films. Jafra’s lover reported the research and promised the ring is still a promise on the road. He did not find it because Abed All wants from us to look for, which is a beautiful dream as Palestine, however he is not in heaven, nor even under, the dream is on our land.

Marwan Abed All believes”
-Is not important to be Palestinians in wholesale broad, it’s important to be in installments as well as the shocking and boring detail...

-Home is not where the place where we live, you and I, but where we live for it together, we belong with all its sense of belonging to us and convinced the world that we deserve to live, but we can be worthy of it, and when we realize our purpose more than the mystery of belonging to him and sacrificed In the process..


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

كنفاني المثقف يستعيد نفسه

قراءة انطباعية في رواية جفرا والبحث في البقاء

قلم أخضر